Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Still, on hiatus...

...But just wanted to remind everyone about the new Twitter account. Even if you're not on Twitter, the feed turns up over there on the right, so you can follow it even from this site.

The latest tweet is about "Caperucita Feroz," an interesting-looking LRRH-themed t-shirt design featured at http://riptapparel.com/. This particular t-shirt is not available from there anymore (they only sell each t-shirt for 24 hours), but still, I recommend checking out the site anyway, which you can do by clicking on the ad link below.

Anyway, ciao, see you guys in the twitterverse!

Monday, 19 April 2010


Little Red Riding Blog is now effectively on permanent hiatus.

However, you can still follow along with this blog's new twitter account: redridingtweets, which shall continue providing links to LRRH/fairytale art and media, with updates certainly more frequent than they have been around here these last few months. Be sure to follow us in the twitterverse!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Syfy's "Red"

Ok, I've been a negligent blogger of late, but semi-regular posting shall resume.

For now, I just want to let people know about the upcoming Syfy channel film Red, set to star Felicia Day (above) (link, link).

That's all for now. More substantial content soon...

Friday, 8 January 2010

Jill Thompson's Girl Comics #2 cover

Marvel Comics' Girl Comics is a series entirely written, drawn, edited, etc by female comics-creators. This has caused some controversy, as many claim that such a comic tends to marginalise rather than promote female comics creators.

Whilst I think the debate is interesting and certainly bares thinking about, I'd also like to draw your attention to the fab, Snow-White-themed cover for the upcoming second issue, by artist Jill Thompson.

Still, just because I'm largely keeping my thought to myself doesn't mean that you have to. Please feel free to let me know what you think of Girl Comics via the comments section.