Monday, 19 April 2010


Little Red Riding Blog is now effectively on permanent hiatus.

However, you can still follow along with this blog's new twitter account: redridingtweets, which shall continue providing links to LRRH/fairytale art and media, with updates certainly more frequent than they have been around here these last few months. Be sure to follow us in the twitterverse!


Jayunderscorezero said...

...and also, you can email me at

Sheryl S. said...

Bummer, I like following BlogSpot and dislike following Twitter. Oh, well.

Jayunderscorezero said...

Eek, sorry Sheryl. The main reason for the switchover is that I'm currently much more active on twitter (on my other accounts) than I am on blogspot. And since the posts on here were never too substantial anyway and could often be reduced to a "hey, look at this" and a link, it seemed much more sensible to switch to a format that allows me to quickly and easily do just that.
I hope the switchover doesn't cause you too much bother, Sheryl.

Sheryl S. said...

Heh, don't worry about my whining. The bulk of the Internet certainly agrees with your preference. :-)

Jennifer Alex said...

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