Saturday, 17 October 2009

Graeme Balchin's paintings

Graeme Balchin is an Australian painter with a fairly impressive portfolio. His work includes lots of fairytale imagery and themes, but the above two pieces in particular caught my eye.


Kate W. said...

My students will love this. I will point them to this blog -- it's already on my blogroll.

Jayunderscorezero said...

Thanks! I hope your students like it.

Unknown said...

Hey, mr Jayunderscorezero, what's your email? I want to ask you some question but I can't contact you, pls.

Jayunderscorezero said...

Would it be ok if I asked what this question regards, n? It's just that at the moment I don't have separate personal/site-related email addresses and am somewhat loathe to give out my personal one. I need to create a site-related one asap, methinks.